
Roses are one of the largest groups of plants, so here’s a bit of info to help you choose the right one and keep it healthy. 


Bushy shrub sized plants useful for planting in beds, mixed borders or in pots and containers. Many are repeat flowering and fragrant.


Useful for covering house and garden walls, fences, arches, trellises and pergolas. Mostly repeat flowering and often scented.


Useful for covering structures, as above, as well as for growing into trees and over unsightly sheds, shrubs and hedges (but not ideal for walls as could get mildew). They generally have smaller blooms that usually flower once in the summer but in abundance. More lax growth than climbers, can be vigorous and grow to great heights, so be aware of the variety’s ultimate size.


Roses need well-drained soil – incorporate well-rotted manure or compost to the planting hole; bonemeal can also be added. We also highly recommend ‘Rootgrow’, a mycorrhizal fungi which encourages the release and uptake of nutrients from the soil. Ensure it is touching the plant’s roots (see packet instructions).


It is important to keep your newly planted rose watered, especially if the soil is very dry or if it’s in a container. It takes a few years for the rose’s roots to find their own water supply.


In early spring feed with a general purpose or rose fertiliser (such as Top Rose) and then mulch with organic matter (well-rotted horse manure is ideal). You can also feed in summer to prolong flowering. All roses benefit from an autumn mulch too (again, well- rotted horse manure or rich organic compost).


This encourages more flowers to be produced and helps keep the plant looking tidy. Either remove just the flower head or cut back to the first full leaf on the stem.


There is a lot of information out there about the pruning of different kinds of roses but here is a brief summary.

Generally on older roses remove very weak, old and woody, dead and diseased stems.

Shrub roses – Repeat flowering – cut back stems by a half. Once flowering - cut back stems by a third.

Ramblers – Generally leave to ramble! If growth becomes too dense take out older growth. Very heavy pruning can reduce the next season’s flowering so try to select a variety that is not too large for your position. Prune in later summer after flowering.

Climbers – Reduce the previous year’s flowering shoots by 3 or 4 buds (about 15cm). Tie in the strong new stems and cut out older ones. Try to train the main stems horizontally as this will encourage more flowering.