How to make a Terrarium

All of your selected plants should have the same environmental needs. If you want to grow sun-loving plants, like cacti, succulents and air plants an open container will work well. Plants that thrive in high levels of humidity, like ferns, begonias and fittonias should be placed in a closed container. Be sure you have selected soil appropriate to your desired plants. 


  • Glass container
  • Small stones or gravel
  • Sphagnum moss or coffee filters (to keep the layers separate)
  • Activated charcoal (to purify the water, essential for closed terrariums)
  • Potting soil
  • Plants


  • Begin by placing stones on the bottom of your glass to create drainage
  • Spread even layer of sphagnum moss or coffee filters to avoid compost falling in between the stones.
  • Sprinkle activated charcoal over the moss.
  • Add the potting soil, leaving hole large enough for planting your selected plants. The layer of compost will be your thickest layer to accommodate roots of the plants.
  • Place your plants in the compost starting from the largest to the smallest and lightly pack the soil. Be careful not to overcrowd the plants, leaving them enough space to grow. Use the empty space to decorate with stones, moss or figurines of your choice.


  • Use plant mister to avoid overwatering. Closed terrariums require misting when there is no condensation on glass observed.
    Open terrariums should always remain barely moist.
  • Prune back dead foliage or overgrown plants.
  • Terrariums thrive in natural, indirect light.