As of this week we are of course all in lockdown again but just to advise
you, we will be open as long as we are allowed to do so. We ask that, in
consideration for other customers and our staff, that masks or face
coverings are worn both inside our shop and houseplant shed and in the outside areas. Please also respect everyone else’s space in the garden centre.
Just a reminder that we will be making deliveries in our local area for a
£10 charge (minimum spend £75). Please do call us if you have any questions
about this.
Let’s hope that we can eventually all look forward to the gardening season
in 2021 and build on the enthusiasm in which people took up gardening last
year which leads us to …
One job you can get on with now is deciding what you will be growing in the
weeks and months ahead and we now have vegetable, herb and flower seeds
as well as very easy-to-grow packets of seeds for
children. We have all the equipment you will need to get started; come and
ask us if you need any advice.
Keep feeding the birds – they are an absolute joy to watch but apart from
that, they will be your best friend and pick off those pests you don’t want
such as snails, slugs and caterpillars; an environmentally-friendly way of
getting rid of them. With Spring not too far off (yes really) it might be
worth looking at a site for a nesting box – you may attract a new family
within a few months.
Hopefully we will be able to get together soon with friends and family in our gardens and outdoor spaces. We have Kadai firebowls for the days when we can’t meet up inside. We also have a good stock of hardwood, olive wood, kindling and firelighters to help your fire get going.
We have an extensive selection of indoor pots in all shapes and sizes
coming soon which will slowly and surely be filling up again with
houseplants as the weather warms up.
Don’t worry if you didn’t get round to planting bulbs last year. We have a
great choice of bulbs growing in pots that you can sink straight into
containers or directly into the soil. Just a few examples are Snowdrops,
Aconites, Chionodoxa, Fritillaria, Iris and many more. They will sit nicely
beneath little pots of primroses and Hellebores, for instance, giving you a
longer season of interest.
We still have a range of mostly evergreen shrubs and smaller pots such as
ferns, Heuchera and Euphorbia to fill the gaps in your borders. Over the
next few months we will be filling up with the new season’s stock of
Magnolia, Camellia and many others and we can’t wait to get them in to show
Now is a great time to plan your containers for next Spring. Do any need
replacing as they have cracked or are damaged? Large pots and containers
look really good in small gardens – don’t think small garden, small pot,
small plant. Large looks amazing and spectacular!
With warm wishes
The team at APGC
We have a few months before the weather hopefully gets a little better but
here are some jobs that you can get on with before then.
General garden maintenance
We have a few months before the weather hopefully gets a little better but
here are some jobs that you can get on with before then.
- A couple of things to remember
-- Walking on lawns when they are frosted or wet will damage the grass. If
you need to access beds and borders to work, lay planks to walk on.
-- Frosts improve the structure of previously dug soil, but take care not to
walk on or work the soil when it is waterlogged - you will do more damage
than good.
On the subject of lawns, if yours is looking tired and in need of a boost,
use a winter lawn product.
Weeds start growing before almost anything else - knock them out as soon
as you spot them, as it’s much easier to get rid of them before they have a
chance to establish. Perennial weeds should be dug out with as much of
their roots as possible, or treated with a systemic weed killer as soon new
leaves appear.
Check protective fleeces and wrappings around plants and pots; ensure
stakes, fences and gutters are secure, and that the garden is tidy, with
nothing lying around which could be picked up by strong winds and cause
Cut back the old foliage from ornamental grasses before growth begins,
clipping them to within a few centimetres of the ground, but leaving a
protective ‘mound’ at the core if it is a large specimen.
If snow is forecast, tie up Cordylines, conifers and other plants which
may be damaged by the weight of snow.
- Protect the developing core of tree ferns with old fronds or straw.
Remove old leaves from Hellebores to make the new blooms more visible as
they emerge.
Spread organic matter - well-rotted manure or organic compost, as a
surface layer over beds. If you lay it on top as a mulch, the rain and
worms will gradually pull the nutrients down into the soil.
Clear out the shed or storage cupboard, checking over tools and equipment
to make sure they are all clean and in working order. Get rid of any
chemicals and fertilisers which have been lying around for a long time.
These materials should be taken to your local authority waste site for safe
Deadhead winter bedding plants such as cyclamen and pansies, remove any
diseased leaves and remember to water them; lack of watering can cause
Wash empty pots by scrubbing them with hot water and a mild detergent.
Rinse them well afterwards.
Wrap non-frostproof pots in bubble wrap or hessian to help prevent
cracking. Group pots together in a sheltered south facing spot.
Protect tender plants by bringing them into the greenhouse or conservatory
when a cold snap is forecast or by wrapping them in horticultural fleece.
Plant up pots with spring bulbs and bedding to brighten the view from
When pots of bulbs have finished flowering, deadhead, feed with a foliar
feed and plant them out in the garden to enjoy again next year and free up
the pot for summer displays.
Remember to water planted containers, it’s easy to forget in cold weather.
Finish pruning deciduous trees, if needed, to keep them in shape. Be
prepared to seal the wood with an appropriate sealant.
Give Wisteria its winter prune by cutting back the current season’s growth
to within two or three buds of the older wood. See our notes on
Wisteria Pruning
Finish pruning apple and pear trees, gooseberries, red and blackcurrants.
Prune autumn fruiting raspberries, cutting each cane right down to the
Cut back Group 3 Clematis – the late flowering ones which flower on the
current year’s growth e.g. Etoile Violette, Jackmanii, Gravetye Beauty – to
the lowest pair of strong buds, at about knee height, 30cm above the
Prune summer flowering deciduous shrubs such as Buddleja, Caryopteris,
hardy fuchsias, Santolina and others. These can generally be pruned very
hard, almost to the ground leaving a few buds or shoots on each stem. If
you want to increase the size of the shrubs, leave a few stems on and prune
these lightly.
Hydrangea paniculata can be pruned hard now. Other types of Hydrangea,
including common mopheads (Hydrangea macrophylla) should only be pruned
lightly in spring to avoid removing the new flower buds.
Prune roses to encourage healthy new flowering stems. Cut back to just
above a bud and remove any dead or crossing branches.
When you have finished pruning, give plants a feed with an organic
fertiliser and/or mulch with good organic compost or manure.
If you missed planting bulbs in the autumn, or find gaps which could do
with some colour, pop in a few pots of spring bulbs. Dwarf Iris, snowdrops
and crocus will flower first, then narcissi , followed by tulips and
alliums. Get them in the ground while they’re small and they will provide
months of colour.
If your garden looks a bit bare and uninteresting, plant a winter
flowering shrub such as Hamamelis, Daphne, Sarcococca, Camellia…
Continue planting deciduous trees and shrubs, provided the ground isn't
frozen or waterlogged.
Introduce evergreen shrubs if your winter garden is lacking structure, or
bright coloured winter stems, such as Cornus and Salix.
Sweet Pea seeds can be sown indoors in a propagator on a sunny windowsill,
and planted out later on. Those sown in Autumn can be potted on and kept on
a windowsill in a cold frame or greenhouse.
If the weather improves and the soil gets warm, you can start to sow broad
beans, peas, cabbage, beetroot and spinach under cloches.
Keep an eye out for the first signs of herbaceous growth and protect the
new leaves from slug attack. An early application of slug pellets will
reduce the population later in the year.
It’s important to keep bird feeders topped up with a variety of food to
support our feathered friends in cold weather. Always supply fresh water
for them too.
It’s important to keep bird feeders topped up with a variety of food to
support our feathered friends in cold weather. Always supply fresh water
for them too.
If it's too cold to go out, spend time planning that new border, or
choosing your seeds. It’s often a good idea to take black and white photos
of your garden now so that you can see where you need more structure.
Keep moving!
Opening hours
Monday to Sunday 10am-4pm
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